2017-12-07 on Biometrics

da/sec scientific talk on biometrics

Topic: Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection

by Marta Gomez-Barrero
D19/2.03a, December 07, 2017 (Thursday), 12.00 noon

Keywords — biometrics, fingerprint, presentation attack detection, security


The deployment of biometric recognition systems has increased over the past decades in a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from access control to smartphone and laptop unlocking. In spite of its numerous advantages over traditional token or password based authentication systems, recent security and privacy concerns have fostered the development new methods to detect and prevent different attacking strategies. In particular, attacks directed to the sensor (presentation attacks) can be carried out by eventually any person, without having any knowledge about how the system works. We therefore need to develop presentation attack detection (PAD) methods to prevent such security issues. We will discuss in this talk different PAD algorithms for fingerprint recognition based on a set of sensors.