Christoph Busch

Degree:Prof. Dr.
Position:Principal Investigator
Office:D19 room 2.07
Email:christoph.busch – at-
Telephone:+49 6151 533 600 90

I am member of the faculty of computer science and media technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. I am holding a joint appointment with the computer science faculty at Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da) and I am a Principal Investigator in ATHENE.

Research Interests

My research is focused on biometrics and improvement of authentication methods towards accurate, convenient and privacy compliant access control systems. You can find a description of our mission statement on our group page and an overview of my research projects on my private web page.


There are numerous publication that you will find on my private web page.


If I am not in my office this might be due to teaching at various locations (h_da, DTU, NTNU) or due to a travel that is associated with a project meeting or presentation somewhere. You can find a selection of my talks on my private web page.

Academic activities

Several committees and working groups have attracted me to get involved. An updated overview of my activities is on my private web page.

Thesis and HiWi Positions

If you are interested in a Bachelor or Master thesis in the field of Biometrics please contact me via email.