Project sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)

Project partners: secunet Security Networks AG, Hochschule Darmstadt, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Project coordinator: secunet Security Networks AG

Time frame: February 2018 – January 2020

Project description: Biometric techniques have evolved considerably over the past decade and are widely used internationally in both sovereign and private sector applications. In the course of the introduction of electronic travel documents and their verification in the border control process, facial biometrics has become established as a means of identity verification in modern border control systems. While the reliability (e.g., detection rates) of facial biometric systems has improved significantly in recent years, sophisticated methods of attack present new challenges to facial biometric systems. These include, in particular, manipulated photographic images (morphing) and the presentation of counterfeits (e.g., masks) in so-called „presentation attacks“. Automated border control systems, in particular, will increasingly be the target of such attempts at overcoming obstacles.

Project goals: In order to improve the overcoming security of facial biometric systems, the BSI has launched the Facetrust research project, in which selected attack methods and their attack potentials are to be evaluated, countermeasures investigated and methods of detection of attacks developed.