Below you can find current thesis offerings of our group. If you’re interested in one of these proposals, please get in touch with the corresponding group member. If you would like to write your thesis in the area of one of our group’s research topics but do not find an interesting proposal below and have some own ideas, please get in touch with one of our group’s members.
We offer the possibility to conduct a thesis physically with our group in Darmstadt or remotely with digital supervision.
- Optimized Deep Features for Biometric Template Protection, Master thesis, Florian Bayer
- Multi-Biometric Template Protection, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Florian Bayer
- Multi-Party Computation for Biometrics, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Florian Bayer
- Explainable Visualisation for Morphing Attack Detection/ Master thesis, Juan Tapia
- Generated synthetic passport/ID card using Generative Adversarial Models/ Master thesis, Juan Tapia
- Classify NIR Iris on the move images based on Knowledge Distillation models/ Master thesis, Juan Tapia
- Generate Near Infra-red iris Images using GANs/ Master thesis, Juan Tapia
- Generate Near Infra-red iris Images using Latent Diffusion Models/ Master thesis, Juan Tapia
- Improving the Fairness of Biometric Recognition Systems, Bachelor-/ Master thesis, Christian Rathgeb, André Dörsch
- Deep Learning-based Face Image Quality Assessment, Bachelor-/ Master thesis, Christian Rathgeb
- Multi-biometric Cryptosystems, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Hans Geißner, Christian Rathgeb
- Pairwise Face Image Quality Assessment, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Torsten Schlett, Christian Rathgeb
- JPEG XL Compression Detection for Face Images, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Torsten Schlett, Christian Rathgeb
- Face Image Quality Assessment Fusion, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Torsten Schlett
Digital Forensics
- Synthesis of benign / malicious network traffic, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Extending a data synthesis framework for replaying network attacks, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Analysis and Evaluation of suitable machine learning algorithms for network data reduction, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Use of machine learning for forensic investigation of intercepted network traffic, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- File detection in network traffic using approximate matching, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Reducing network data using similarity preserving hashing, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Typical Internet user behavior (survey), Bachelor thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Development of a network forensic guideline, Bachelor- / Master thesis, Thomas Göbel
- Analysis and Evaluation of various network forensic tools and techniques (survey), Bachelor thesis, Thomas Göbel