Hessian Research Award for Applied Science The Hessian Research Award of the Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) goes to da/sec.
Kategorie: Allgemein
Dissertation von Jessica Steinberger vom Fachbereichstag Informatik ausgezeichnet
Am Montag, 14.10.2019, ist Dr. Jessica Steinberger mit dem Preis der besten Dissertation vom Fachbereichstag Informatik (FBTI) ausgezeichnet worden. Der
Best Poster Award for Pawel Drozdowski at BIOSIG-2019
Pawel Drozdowski of the da/sec group received a best poster award for the contribution of „On the Application of Homomorphic
Open access article published by researchers from Hochschule Darmstadt
CRISP scientists (P. Drozdowski, Dr. C. Rathgeb, Prof. Dr. C. Busch) from Hochschule Darmstadt investigated the topic of efficient biometric
Open access paper published in cooperation of Hochschule Darmstadt and TU Darmstadt
Together with international experts, CRISP scientists from Hochschule Darmstadt and TU Darmstadt investigated privacy protection schemes for speaker recognition applications.
Biometric Keynote talk at CRISP
Prof. Alice J. O’Toole from the University of Texas at Dallas delivered a Distinguished Lecture on Deep Learning and CNN
da/sec will take part in a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN
The objective of European Training Networks (ETN) is the structured training of highly skilled early-stage researchers in excellent research projects.
Marta Gomez-Barrero held a seminar at COSIC
Marta Gomez-Barrero held a seminar on Biometric Template Protection and Evaluation during the biometrics and cryptography seminar series taking place at
Best Student Paper Award for Lorenz Liebler at DFRWS-EU 2019
Lorenz Liebler of the da/sec group received a best student paper award for the contribution of „Towards Exact and Inexact
Didem Dogan verteidigt ihre Bachelorarbeit
Didem Dogan verteidigt am 15.02.2019 erfolgreich ihre Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel „Auswirkungen der plastischen Chirurgie auf Gesichtserkennungssysteme“ — Gesichtserkennungssysteme (GES)