HDA Facial Tattoo and Painting Database
The Hochschule Darmstadt (HDA) facial tattoo and paintings database contains 500 pairs of facial images of individuals with and without facial tattoos or paintings. The database was collected from multiple online sources.
Download and Copyright:
The database is being made available for researchers from 2020 onwards. Interested researchers can download this database upon request. Please send an email to christian.rathgeb@h-da.de. Any commercial use/distribution of this database is prohibited. All the technical reports and papers that report experimental results from this database should provide acknowledgment and reference to [1].
[1] M. Ibsen, C. Rathgeb, T. Fink, P. Drozdowski, C. Busch, „Impact of facial tattoos and paintings on face recognition systems“, in IET Biometrics, 2021.