

Project sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)

Project partners: Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD; Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Hochschule Darmstadt; secunet Security Networks AG

Project coordinator: Hochschule Darmstadt

Time frame: April 2014 – December 2014

Project description: In biometric systems, the stored reference data comprise unique features of a data subject, which can contain sensitive data (i.e., ethnicity, diseases). If the reference data is compromised, biometric characteristics cannot be canceled or replaced. Furthermore the amount of biometric characteristics of a single subject is limited. Multiple enrolments of biometric features for different applications can further lead to a Cross-Matching-Problem if those applications get linked with each other. As a consequence for a privacy preserving biometric technology, the adequate protection of the biometric reference data is indispensable.

With biometric template protection procedures, the biometric information cannot be reconstructed out of the reference data. These technologies enable an inherent secure biometric authentication and thereby a new and simplified usage of biometrics.

Project goals: This project will establish a basis for efficient and practical applications of biometric template protection techniques. On the one hand biometric systems with a strong protection level can be developed. On the other hand the project results operating on standardized minutia descriptors and statistical analysis are well-suited to solve generic problems of automated fingerprint identification systems that can serve fingerprint alignment and will improve deployed applications.

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