On July 8th Daile Osorio-Roig defended her PhD thesis on Privacy-Preserving Workload Reduction in Biometric Systems. Congratulations! From the abstract:
Ewald Meier successfully defended his Master thesis on Human Detection of Synthetically generated Face Images
The rapid development of generative AI, especially in the area of image generation, brings many benefits to the general public.
Florian Bayer successfully defended his Master thesis on Adaptive Multi-Modal Biometric Template Protection using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Mobile devices have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. They are used for a variety of tasks, ranging from communication
New Hessian Science Minister visits da/sec Group
On 21st May the new Hessian Science Minister Timon Gremmels paid his inaugural visit to Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.
Linh Nguyen successfully defended his Master thesis on NeutrEx-Lite: Efficient Expression Neutrality Estimation For Utility Prediction
Abstract: Face recognition systems have many useful applications in real life scenario, such as authentication for personal devices, border control
Best Paper Award for Mathias Ibsen at IWBF 2024
Mathias Ibsen received the best paper award for the contribution of „Multi-Channel Cross Modal Detection of Synthetic Face Images “
Jannis Priesnitz successfully defended his PhD thesis
On March 19th Jannis Priesnitz defended his PhD thesis on secure contactless fingerprint recognition. Congratulations! : From the abstract: The
Franck Viorel Souop Kouam successfully defended his Master thesis on the topic Face Recognition for Children
In a digitized society, biometric systems are gaining increasing importance and are being applied in various fields of application. Facial
Hans Geißner successfully defded his Master Thesis on Unification and Improved Evaluation of Multibiometric Fuzzy Vaults
The fuzzy vault scheme as an instance of a biometric cryptosystem is able to provide biometric authentication while also protecting
Vinay Pradhan successfully defended his Master thesis on the collection of a longitudinal face age database
Abstract: The field of biometrics research is growing in importance in the modern world. Advancements in biometric techniques change everyday